Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I Feel Like Posting Again

For some reason, I am feeling really normal today. Not in a "normal for Lor" type way, but in a "regular average person" type way. I must be ill.

Anyway, I was just wandering around on the blogger bit of the google forums (which I don't contribute to, I just like to stalk), and I came across this:
My friend is also a "teen blogger" she's 16.
You can find her here :
I warn you she's a bit insane, but hilarious :) 
 This was posted by TheGinge, and it kind of just made my entire day. It warms my heart when people call me insane (and hilarious)!

Here are some old people and a fire hydrant. And such. I don't feel like explaining my reasoning behind posting this because... I don't have any. I just had a random moment. So ignore the bit above where I said I was feeling normal. I obviously didn't know what I was talking about.

EDIT: I felt really bad for Lonely Herbert after Ginge's impulse gerbil got a friend, so I created George Harrison. Its nice to be able to say I created George Harrison.

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