Thursday, March 10, 2011


I have a lot of bad habits.

First of all, cracking my knuckles... and my neck. It is so gross, but I do it anyway. I'm doing it right now. I need to stop.

Second, I make bad choices when it comes to "romance".

Third, I find myself intoxicated on school nights far more often than I should be. I don't just mean this has happened a few times now. It happens quite a lot. Since the start of 2011, I haven't gone more than 2 weeks without getting drunk on a school night. Sometimes it happens more than twice a week.

Yeah, I should probably seek professional help.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Post That Shall Not Be Named

I kind of feel bad.

The only times I have blogged in the past 6 months, I have been very intoxicated. I don't want this to become a regular thing. Sadly, the only time I really have any motivation seems to be when I've consumed a lot of alcohol. So now that I am writing and not drunk, I feel like I have to say something interesting. The only thing is,

I have nothing


to say.

I mean, everything in my life is kinda boring. School, work, friends, etc.. none of it is interesting. Thus far this year, I've taken International Business (failure), Travel and Tourism (joke), and English (for the second time). Now I'm taking Drama, Biology, Marketing, and Sociology. Its all kind of boring. Work is dull, all routine-y stuff. Get to work, stand around, sell some phones, clean some stuff, take a break, clean some more, count inventory, stand around a bit more, go home.

The last hour or so now, I've been listening to Shania Twain. I miss the naughties*.

For the first time in a long time, I don't have any friend drama. I went through a few months a while back where a friendship hit a serious rough patch (or two, or three..), which I'm sure everyone can relate to. Anyway, it sucked a lot and was really messy, but "two-faced bitch" is not a quality you really want in a friend, am I right? (I'm right.)

* For those who are uneducated, the "naughties" was the decade of 2000-2009. Look it up :)

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Not even judging cos I like men and women, but my frigging bestguyfriend is a queer. And fuck him.